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Sheryl 082 399 8637
Murray 082 926 0985
Lexi 082 713 7031
Bronwyn 082 926 1001
Gavin 082 451 9422
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GPS Co'ordinates
29°19’04.2”S 29°55’23.8”E

From Johannesburg -
Follow N3 to Mooi River. Take the Mooi River Plaza exit 143 from N3. Turn right, and then turn left at the t-junction. You are now on the R103. Drive for approx. 10km to Rosetta. At Rosetta take a right turn onto the Kamberg Road (opposite the Ugly Duckling).
Travel 6km up the Kamberg road (stay left after the small bridge) & the farm will be on the left. You can't miss us!
From Durban -
Follow N3 to Mount West. Take the Mount West exit 132 from N3 (You will see the Windmills Country Stop on the off-ramp). Turn right. You are now on the R103. Drive for approx. 7km to Rosetta. At Rosetta take a left turn onto the Kamberg Road (opposite the Ugly Duckling).
Travel 6km up the Kamberg road (stay left after the small bridge) & the farm will be on the left. You can't miss us!
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